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Learner Orientation

A basic overview of the Learn platform. 

  • Navigation
  • Notifications, Menu and Profile
  • My Courses
  • Module Tiles
  • Progress indicators
  • Support Icon



In this brief orientation video, we’ll give you a tour of the major features of the platform. 

First, in the top left corner, you’ll notice either the logo for your school or the Campus Learn logo. Anytime you want to return to the Home page, just click this icon. 

In the top right corner, you’ll notice three icons- notifications, menu, and profile. 

Using the notifications icon, you can view messages and notifications you have received. Using the settings wheel, you can also customize the types of notifications you receive. 

Next, the menu icon provides you with options to view your grades, personal files, and course enrollments. The options available to you in this menu are dynamic meaning they change based on where you are in the platform. 

Third, your profile allows you to adjust some settings and log out. 

Let’s jump into a course. Clicking on a course tile in the My Courses menu shows me the modules of learning to be completed for a course. To navigate your learning, start with the top left tile and move left to right and down, just like you’re reading a comic book. 

Notice the progress indicator at the top of the tiles that shows your overall progress and activities remaining. Similarly, in each module, you will also see your progress toward completion of the module. 

Within each module, each learning activity has a green check mark that indicates completion. Each learning activity is either automatically checked upon completion or you can manually check it off when you’re done.

Finally, the support icon in the lower right corner is a great resource if need help. Live chat is available during regular business hours and customer service provides fast turn around on emails sent outside of regular business hours. FAQs are also available. 

And that’s it. You’re ready to start learning.

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